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Monday, January 16, 2017

Tonights Bedtime Chatter!

Tonight I overheard the cutest conversation between my husband and our son, who is extremely talkative, especially at bedtime. While I was in the office working, my husband was putting our son to sleep. It's still a ritual for Amari to have milk in bed from a sip cup. Supposedly the sip cup was leaking, because through the door I heard, "Dad, my milk is leaking." Daddy replied, "Oh let me try and fix it." Amari then said, " You can't fix it dad." Daddy said, "Let me try." Amari goes, "It's not leaking now, but if I tilt it, it will leak so..." Then daddy said, "I'll tell you what...let me try and close it for you." At which point Amari must have been given back the cup, as he replied, "You didn't close it properly." Then daddy said, "Try it!" Amari then said, "Dad it's still leaking." My husband took back the cup to try and tighten it some more. Amari said, "What are you doing to it then?" Daddy gave Amari back the cup a second time and said, "Try it now." Amari was amazed and said, "You fixed it dad." The second conversation that touched my heart was hearing our son ask his daddy to cuddle. I could hear Amari telling him that he 'liked' him very much, and that he's the best daddy in the whole world. My favourite is when he tells me he loves me "a million pounds." These moments are what make being a mommy the absolute best. To witness this little three year old expressing his emotions, solving problems, dissecting conversations, coming up with solutions, and logic, make me in awe on a constant basis. Who needs adult time when I have a three year old who can debate better than most. Looking forward to tomorrow nights bedtime chatter.

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