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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year | New Year - New Blog

Happy New Year to the world. 2016 was a wonderful year for me, and just like every year, I grew abundantly as a mother, wife, artist, and overall human being. The one thing I have noticed more and more in myself, is that I have allowed my voice to be heard. I have learned to trust my voice. I speak out with less fear, and have found power in my words. Not power to rule, but my own personal power as a women who has fallen in this life several times, but has been able to pick herself up time and time again. Motherhood has instilled in me a fearlessness that I've never known. I am far from perfect and make mistakes, especially as a mother. I want this blog to be a space where my experiences as a mother can be discussed, and explored in hopefully, a non-judgmental environment. I want this blog to be a place where mommies come together to share their stories, and thoughts on subjects that bind us all. Entering 2017, while the world is in chaos, it is even more of a reason for us women, and mothers to come together, not just for us, but for our children; the next generation. The Hunny Hive | Being a Mommy, will touch on my everyday experiences as a mommy, and though I have no idea the direction this blog will journey, I hope you will all come along for the ride and broaden our horizons, with your comments, experiences, advice and love. Let us do us, be real, and be open to give and receive love; our lives, and our children's lives will be better off for it. Happy 2017!

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