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Thursday, September 7, 2017

First Day of School

Where has the time gone?

I cannot believe I am the mother of a 4 year old, and that he is already in school, five days a week. I felt calm, as we prepared for his first day of reception, purchasing all the bits of his uniform and sewing in the name tags, till the wee hours of the morning. It wasn't until the night before his first day of school, that I started to second guess whether I was forgetting things like, do I need to pack him a lunch? I jumped on the school website, and found what I already knew...that the school has a chef and the kids are fed there. Phew! Why was I panicking? Wait? Does he have the right shoes? Does he need to wear his jumper over his shirt even though he will be hot under his blazer? Oh no...I forgot to put his name in his shoes. Will Amari remember which are his? (Umm....dah...of course he will.)

Honestly, when I think back now, I can't believe I was worrying about that stuff.

The build up to the first day is so much, that we panic as mommies. We want everything to be perfect. The fact of the matter is, things will be missed, and schedules mixed up. You may forget to pack your child's swimming costume, but at the end of the day, it will all be fine.

Seeing my son in his school uniform for the first time brought me so much joy. That pride is unexplainable. There were no tears, only smiles. We groom our children for these moments. Every first, no matter how big or small the accomplishment, makes all the work we put in as parents worth it.

My son is on his journey, growing up before my eyes, building his childhood memories. I could not be more proud. There will be many challenges, as schedules get busier, and school becomes more demanding, but I will take it all in one day at a time. This is not only our son's journey, but mine and my husband's to share. How fortunate are we?

The future is bright!


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