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Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Hunny Hive - Creating an inspirational place for career women either pregnant, already with children or who want children

Over a year has gone by since posting on my blog. I have been busy being a working mother of two. Still doing my thing in the entertainment industry, I have taken on new endeavours making my work/home balance a challenge. I have high expectations for myself and to me, success is only achieved when giving your all and best to something. Sometimes I think, "wow this would be so much easier without the kids" or "I wonder where I would be if I had no other responsibilities other than myself." It's true, the game of life gets more difficult when you factor in a family, however, in my opinion, the rewards/payoff are much bigger and better when you have a beautiful family to share your life with. Those thoughts, however, are fleeting because, in all honesty, I could never imagine life without my boys. Everything I do is for my kids, and yes sometimes there is guilt when I have to leave them, or when I have the bad mum days where I forget an appointment or birthday party. I have nights where I am up working till 3am or 4am because I was unable to work during the day while home, parenting. It is not easy having to juggle family life and career, but with proper planning, a strong support network, drive and passion, it is possible to be fantastic at both. I wanted to turn this blog into a place for career women either pregnant, already with children or who want children to find motivation, inspiration, empathy, hope and maybe some good advise. I get asked all the time how I handle everything I do while taking care of two young children, and so I thought why not pass on some knowledge while creating a space where women can share stories ask questions and relate to one another. Please let me know if there are any topics you would like to discuss or have any questions in regards to 'The Hunny Hive'. Women should not feel as though they have to choose between a career and children. Let's empower each other and be part of the change.


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